Yahoo did the right thing

I was just reading that Yahoo's recent partnership with Bing would be its demise. I was once a big Yahoo fan; but have made the migration to Google. Let me tell you why Calacanis is wrong. First, there is no comparison between Google and Yahoo. When Yahoo started off, they were simply a directory. For ages, you had to request to be in their directory rather than they just crawl your site. That's where they went wrong. 

Their next misstep was to let Google power their search, and let things ride. 

Once Google moved on, they had no search capability. That is their problem. Yahoo sucks at search. They always have because they only indexed "submitted sites" they though were worthy. 

Given this shortsightedness, it was no wonder they were left behind. Given their inattention to search, I think partnering up with Bing is a good idea for now. During this 10 year deal, they can figure out what to do stay alive. 

What Calacanis fails to realize is that Google's revenues come from their Adwords/Adsense combo. Yahoo has a weak version of that. Most people think that Youtube is losing money; and they are as a divison; but, it makes money for Google. The Google has also invested in other free services like Picasa, Blogger, and even Google Voice. How do they expect to make money? Advertising silly.

The more sites out there owned by Google, the wider their reach. The can insert Google ads in every nook and cranny of their empire. Yahoo, on the other hand, has been pulling back. Rather than expand their market reach and make advertising through them appealing; they have been cutting back on their web real estate. Newspapers have the same problem; with declining circulations, they are crazy to think they can charge the same or higher rates. 

For now, Bing will keep Yahoo alive. This should give them time to figure out a decent game plan. Calacanis is off; because search is not where the money is. Search is what gets people in the door. The money is where people see your ads. Unless Yahoo works to expand their ad base, they are doomed to be second or third best.

Posted by Shaine Mata
Posted via email from Shaine’s posterous postings

Yahoo CEO says they were never a search company:

Some easy Sunday reading

From Posterous Photos

Decided to stop by Barnes and Noble to hang out, maybe have a coffee. Here are some books that catch my attention. I’ll post some links when I get home.

Posted by Shaine Mata
Posted via email from Shaine’s posterous postings

Real Leaders Don’t Do PowerPoint: How to Sell Yourself and Your Ideas

Beyond Booked Solid: Your Business, Your Life, Your Way Its All Inside

The Think Big Manifesto: Think You Can’t Change Your Life (and the World)? Think Again

Blogging Vs Lifestreaming

[qik user=”shaine”]

I was just reading a post over at the Lifestream Blog discussing the switch people are making towards lifestreaming. There are many tools available online that make it easy to post audio, video, and photos to the web to tell the story of your life. Many of these tools are getting easier to use; and they are beginning to share your content with sites. Darren Rowse also has thoughts on whether blogging is dead in light of lifestreaming.

For me, the attraction to lifestreaming is that it is much faster and easier to produce content on the fly than to sit at the computer to compose, edit, and post something on my blog. Despite the ease of production, I would not consider pulling the plug on my blog. For audio, you can often times call a number, make your recording, and hang up. For video, a cameraphone is often sufficient to churn out a video post. The appeal is that you do not have to edit a lifestream. You can simply post raw content.

Not everything lends itself to on-the-fly production. Sometimes you want to start a piece, set it aside, and come back to it later. You can’t do that with video or audio lifestreams. Once they are up, you can’t edit. The best you can do is delete or replace completely. Once you start editing your audio and video, you might as well have gone ahead and blogged.

Lately, I have not blogged so much. Nor have I tweeted as much as I used to tweet. Nor have I been as active online. The reason for all this is the volume of information coming at me is tremendous. This sort of thing does not give you time to connect two thoughts together; much less organize a blog post. During these times, I lifestream.

Lifestreaming is not for everybody. You still need to have some kind of message or information to share. When you spend your day doing boring, repetitive things, it is difficult to come up with ideas for lifestreaming. For lifestreaming to work, you kinda need to have a life. So, if you are the type who doesn’t get out much, lifestreaming is probably not for you.

If, on the other hand, you are quite busy getting things done and are out and about, lifestreaming may be what you need to do.

[Sent from Google Voice] Testing Google Voice as a Voice Blog

I'm not sure if using Google Voice as a voice blogging system will work. I thought I would give it a try. I use this extra account as a voice memo system. My main Google Voice account is my "business" number, which reaches me everywhere. Will it work?
Shaine (956) 208-5403
7/14/09 11:07 PM
hi this is shane martha hi i have an extra go go voice account and it occurred to me that maybe i can use it as the private invoice barney system or something similar to it i have been using it the other than that memo recorder but i did a call on the number and go straight to voicemail and leave a message and then of course go check it later on so i have one google voice account set up for my phone number or people call and then then forward your call from over to my home or wherever and then i've got a 2nd just put that i news for a 2nd google 4th account that was just kinda line there useless until it record to use it as a memo system and i think you maybe i can also use it at the way of posting content blogs so this is a test i wanna see how well it works with posters after is posted and also would work for
Play message
Google Voice Don’t have a Google Voice account? Find out more on

Posted by Shaine Mata
Posted via email from Shaine’s posterous postings

Blogging Through Google Docs

I’ve known for a while that one could blog through Google Docs; but, I never made a move to check it out. Tonight, I thought I would give it a whirl. 

Unfortunately, you do not get to see the results until after you’ve gone through all the trouble of writing something and then posting it.
What I am most curious about is whether changing the original document automatically changes the blog post too. That would be handy.